The Invisibility of the Bisexual Black Man
“The Sexual Proclivities of the Black Community: The Invisibility of the Bisexual Black Man” — Random Acts of Flyness, 2018, 5:26 —
An animated interview with a gender-fluid black person regarding their romantic pursuits. This is a clip from the HBO’s new series Random Acts of Flyness (2018) by Terence Nance. The interview touches on gender (masculinity and gender fluidity), open relationships (non-monogamies/polyamory), and cultural constructions of “sexy”. Why are bisexual people still marginalized in mainstream discussions of sexuality? How does race and ethnicity factor into (dominant) cultural representations of the queer community? Who else is often excluded from or made invisible by mainstream discussions on sex and sexuality?
This clip starts around 18:30 but I have adjusted the start time here to 19:27 as prior scenes are very sexual. The segment from 19:27-24:51 is SFW (safe for work) while anything beyond there may be a tad risqué.
From the video’s description: Random acts of flyness is not the revolution. A new late-night series from artist Terence Nance, the show is a fluid, stream-of-consciousness examination of contemporary American life. Nance and his collaborators weave together a mix of topics— snowflakes, finger waves, Bunyans — creating a television show like nothing seen before.