Vice News, 6:10... Child marriages are associated with a variety of negative outcomes, but thus far no state in the US has banned the practice outright. Last year, an attempt was made to make California the first to do so, but ran into opposition from the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood.
Modern Slavery
According to new figures, it is estimated that 35 million people are suffering under slavery. It is a booming global business, relying on oppression and exploitation. The film shows the many forms slavery can take in today’s world: from political imprisonment, to child labor to the forcible recruitment of child soldiers as well as more classical forms of physical and economic exploitation.
Do We Have A Right to Die?
Operational Definitions: The Unemployment Rate
Why the "Unemployment Rate" is Flawed -- Adam Ruins Everything, 2017, 1:47 --
A good example of how important it is to be transparent with our categorical requirements. Much of what we would normally consider "unemployed" is not officially categorized as such in the US, and with the emerging dominance of the "gig economy", underemployed people are even more at risk of becoming invisible in the struggle for fair-paying, secure jobs.
Facebook, The Benevolent Overlord
How Facebook is Changing Your Internet – The New York Times, 2017, 9:50 --
We need to have a serious discussion on Internet authority and control. As Facebook has become a geopolitical force in this neoliberal era, it is disturbing to learn how much influence the business has garnered in every sphere imaginable. This is a good example of the reach of the corporate giant which raises some unsettling possibilities, chiefly “Digital Colonialism” and information control.
You can read more about this issue here:
When Facts Don’t Work
Why fact checking can’t stop Trump’s lies -- Vox, 2017, 7:10 --
Are humans rational thinkers? If so, then why do some people continue to hold false beliefs in the face of overwhelming proof against such beliefs? There’s a high cost to accepting evidence that contradicts our thinking, though this cost is much higher in the political field than in the scientific field. It turns out we all want to preserve our sense of self when presented with challenging information. Furthermore, the modern-day news media exacerbates this problem by frequently airing misinformation from politically-motivated parties. Even if such misinformation is later scrutinized on air, it may have already done irreversible damage since the people who have come to believe it will are now psychologically incentivized to combat countering evidence.
Violent Protest in Charlottesville
Charlottesville: Race and Terror -- Vice News (HBO), 2017, 22:04 --
With the start of the semester approaching in a national climate of civil unrest, many students may be keen to the recent events in Charlottesville and eager to learn more. This is a powerful (and potentially triggering) video where an embedded reporter gives us a captivating look at what happened-- the neo-nazi/KKK/alt-right provocateurs clashing with the counter protesters, the "accident" leading to the death of an ally, the heart wrenching aftermath, and the continued arrogance from the white supremacists who speak openly about their desire for genocide. The video provides no narration but proceeds in an organically engaging manner. It'll certainly spark a discussion and clarify how one side started the violence. Despite what our president claims, there were no nice guys among the white nationalists. Kudos to Elle Reeve (@elspethreeve) for an outstanding job capturing the event.
Impression Management and Bill O'Reilly: "DO IT LIVE!"
Bill O'Reilly: "F*** It! Do It Live!" -- Inside Edition, 1989-1995, 1:35 --
A timeless example of impression management, the managed self, and front-stage/back-stage behavior. My favorite part of this tantrum is 1:18 when he momentarily snaps back into a composed impression. In 5, 4, 3, ...
Cable News and Politics
"How should the media cover a White House that isn't afraid to lie?" -- Vox, 2017, 5:20 --
We need to be more critical of the media in this new post-truth era, especially since they have played a large role in bringing about the current quixotic news environment. This video from Vox's sex symbol Carlos Maza raises an insightful and thought-provoking challenge to the media which involves reformulating how cable news disseminates government "facts" (or propoganda).
Smart Guns
"Who Killed the Smart Gun?" -- Motherboard, 2017, 43:37 --
Yes, there is such a thing as a "smart" gun, a gun that only the owner can fire, though it is not without a great deal of controversy. Some people fear technological failures, others fear government interference of their Second Amendment right, yet the fear of losing individual control of the firearm seems to pervade everyone. This 43-minute documentary explores the debate around these guns and reveals to us the social dynamics at play.